Object „Wlodarz„ managed by Central Touristic Museum „Giant„ invite You to use the offer
which concerns training organize,flights of reconstruction groups, or just
common excursions with friends.
We invite You to „Wlodarz„ object- The biggest object of „Riese„ complex from the years of war inclusive big forest area.
It is located at the North eastern slope of Wlodarz mountain ( 811 m. a. s. l.). On the underground part, drilled gneiss rock,
It consists of 4 parallel tunnels directed into the South west, halls, pavements with a total length above 3000m. In the complex is visible
two- tier system of drilling. One third of the undergrounds is flooded by water, exploring with boat makes this object more attractive.
The terrestrial part it is a road which is connecting „Wlodarz„ with other object, elements of track ways, concrete plant and cement landfills, foundations of the barracks,
concrete buildings, reloading ramps.
Kilometers of the underground tunnels, HUGE halls drilled in stone, what they would be used for? Adolf Hitler`s Main Lodging?
Underground weapons factories? Chemical, Biologic, Nuclear labs? Maybe researching, and manufacturing works with new type of vertical take-off air planes or something other?
Historians, researchers, adventurers are looking for an answer of these questions. Probably for long years it will be one of the biggest secret of Second World War.
Our second interesting object, used as traverse to organize all kinds of events and trainings is area of former mine „Waclaw„ in Ludwikowice Klodzkie.
Object with secret, unrecognized underground infrastructure, also with famous „mucholapka„ what means „Housefly Catcher„ which destiny is unexplained with 100% till today.
Except visiting tunnels, and terrestrial historic military objects We can prepare for you attractions like: fun of a mountaineering ( For example downhill ride on zip-lines, about
50 meters in the middle of shaft etc.), searching for treasure, Skill fun ( also with use of military equipment), throwing knifes, paint ball, ASG, shooting range, bonfire,
trips with off-road vehicles, historic military equipment but also with mount. Our capabilities are limited only by Your imagination, we believe there is no lack of it.
🙂 Cooperating with reconstruction groups We are periodically making a reconstruction of 2 World War moments.
If necessary We can provide transport, and accomodations in hotels, Guest house, agrotourism farms.
Our staff are guides, instructors, and rescuers of Disaster Emergency who are trained professionally, to serve you.
They are experts in their fields, also trained in giving the first aid. Some of them were soldiers, and officers of special Army, Police units.
Under their care are waiting amazing moments spent in Landscaped Park of Owlish Mountains.
Recreation offer is created for individual tourists, and organized groups, schools, teenagers groups, workplaces, hotels, traveling offices, etc. The objective of this offer is to show tourist the most attractive way
secrets connected with our objects, and beautiful Owlish-mountain earth.
1. Exploration of „Wlodarz„ tunnels
2. Searching for treasure in „Wlodarz„ underground
3. Mountaineering activities
4. Downhill ride in the 50m length shaft
5. Agility activities
6. Tower created with chests
7. RAMBO shooting range
8. Viking white weapon
9. WISS marks
10. Try NS-64
11. „Riese„ track
12. Insulation phase
13. Trapper camp
Also on wish we can organize quads, off-road vehicles, bonfires, karaoke, roasted piglet, and others.
We can take, and organize activities for every group, number of people does not matter. Fun- activities takes place in smaller groups (12 people) parallel.
There is an option to scoring each activities in order to find the leaders. Condition to realize event is reservation, and subscription 20% of whole event cost.
Price list and description of activities:
1. Exploration „Wlodarz tunnels„
For 12 people squad- 500 pln
Duration- from 1 to 2 hours.
More than 3000m of underground which is partly flooded, visiting two levels of tunnels, swimming by boat in the underground, cinema with „Riesie„ movie,
Visiting corridors which are not available in normal offer. Required from visitors: flashlights, rubber boots/waders, warm clothes. Manager ensure: helmets, boats, pontoons, ladders, and others.
2. Tunnel- Searching for treasure
For 12 people squad- 500pln
Duration- from 1,5 to 2 hours.
The request of groups is find hidden in underground treasure. Visitors by using tips have to find places where are hidden another informations which guides them to the place where is hidden treasure.
Group can be moving by unlit corridors what makes it harder. According of options, searching can be connected with swimming by boat at the flooded part, with using special equipment- (night visions, chemical light, metal detector, maps,
special overalls, waders, gas masks, pontoons, and others).
3. Mountaineering activities
(Downhill ride by zip-line bridge, enter by ladder, Downhill from platform by landing troops line)
For 12 people squad- 600pln
Duration- from 2 to 3 hours.
Order from grouped of more risky. Activities are looking like that, all of the visitors have to climb up on the platform,
Downhill ride by landing troops line without using Mountaineering equipment, another one climbing by ladder on the platform, and then downhill ride by zip-line bridge
Order starts at climbing 20m high platform. There visitor get mountaineering clothes, and harness to this is connect safety line. First phase is downhill ride from the platform
with landing troops line used to downhill ride from helicopters. Then after downhill ride visitor goes up to platform by ladder. Last phase is downhill ride at zip-line bridge.
That means downhill ride by line with help of mountaineering equipment. Line is stretched between two points (about 80m). Difference of levels when line is connected allows You to
travel this distance quite fast. Height force visitor to brake their fears, and barriers. During travel You can feel fear, positive stress, and euphoria. Usually after breaking
their fears visitors want to do it once again. Order is supported by two instructors with rules of security.
4. Downhill ride by shaft
For 12 people squad- 500pln
Duration- from 1,5 to 2 hours.
Another one order from the more risky group. Activities in shaft are supported by instructor with rules of security. Person who is doing the downhill ride is suspended to lines which are being reduced by instructor
into the 50meter deep shaft. Shaft leads into the middle of tunnels of underground complex „Wlodarz„. At this place visitors are training and dressed in harness. Then with care of the instructor He is going down to the tunnels.
5. Fun with antiaircraft gun
For 12 people squad- 250pln
Duration- about 1 hour.
It is order for a team which objective is check abilities of the managers. This order is spectacular and brings a lot of fun to visitors, and also to the observers. Group is getting cut into 4 teams. Team who is already doing
this order need 3 people:
1. Person who directs whole team,
2. Person who directs the gun only in the horizontal plane,(is blindfolded)
3. Person who directs the gun only in the vertical plane.(is blindfolded)
Team have to do basic maneuvers with care of the team leader. Players on time dropping from the racks prepared elements (goals) or using a special hook elements are switching from one rack to another. The task of proving the appropriate control of the team by issuing an appropriate command , as the only commander sees the movement of the barrel and the distance separating it from the target . The course is conducted under the supervision of an instructor , which measures the time and score leads participants.
6. Tower created by chests
For 12 people squad- 200pln
Duration- about 1 hour.
Individual competition, which apart from its spectacular reveals the predisposition of skill players. The person taking part in a game wearing a harness that allows the instructor operator station maintain a safety net. The competition consists in the fact that the player successfully puts increasingly higher tower of the boxes on the bottles. Difficulty is the fact that to put another box must stand on this, which had previously been composed. As the rising tower of boxes are set higher and higher player is on the ground. At a time when the whole structure reaches a critical point box scatter to the sides, and the player remains at the top attached to a safety rope. Team variant arises when we do the final classification taking into account the total amount of boxes team.
The course is conducted under the supervision of a lifeguard, which insures participants has included box score leads participants. Record unbeaten from nine years Cuba Szpakowski has established, 18 boxes.
7. Rambo
For 12 people squad-300 pln
Duration about 2 hours.
Activities are conducted at the shooting range Wlodarz . Individual or team competition , shooting with pneumatic weapons to shields, throwing knives blade . Classes are taught by instructors shooting and their assistants.
Each participant has the opportunity to test their skills in throwing and target shooting :
five throws knives ,
three shots from an air gun and sports ( with laser sighting ) to the blade ,
three shots from an air gun and sports to the target ,
three shots from the air rifle ( without a telescope ) to the target
three shots from the air rifle ( with a telescope ) to the target
three shots from the air rifle ( with laser ) to the target
Ability to shoot to capture the ability to concentrate , coordination , ability to correct errors. Competition in groups encourages players to do Mutual Aid , instruction and playing together . Team variant arises when we do the final classification taking into account the total amount of points scored.
8. Viking white weapon
For 12 people squad- 300zl
Duration- about 2 hours.
Activities are conducted in Wlodarz . Individual or team competition , shooting a crossbow and bow to the balloons with a slingshot high performance , throwing knives , spear and ax to the blade. Classes are taught by instructors and their assistants.
Each participant has the opportunity to test their skills in throwing to the target :
– Knives five shots to the goal ,
– Ax three kicks to the goal ,
– Spear three kicks to the goal ,
– One shot with a crossbow to the balloon ,
– One shot from the arc to balloon.
– One shot with a slingshot high-performance balloon .
The ability to target shooting is the ability to concentrate , coordination , ability to correct errors. Competition in groups encourages players to mutual assistance , instruction and play together . Team variant arises when we do the final classification taking into account the total amount of points scored.
9. WISS marks
For 12 people squad- 600pln
Duration- about 2 hours.
WISS – All-Around Individual Special Services is a competition organized by us in 2005. Competed in the soldiers, officers, rescuers army, police, special units, Mountain Rescue, fire, etc. The day-long competition consisted of backbreaking competition as dozen meters cycling along the mountainous terrain, murderous course, discipline specialist such as handling equipment mountaineering, shooting, overcoming the obstacle course, including a water hazard, fire fighting, and many others.
In the footsteps of WISS is an option for those who would like to feel with us for a moment as the soldiers of special units. The task will be to overcome the obstacle course in which will include among other items taken alive in the true WISS-in, so the rope bridge, to overcome water obstacles, climbing elements (including rappel landing), obstacle course, and others. All additionally interwoven less „serious” activities.
The whole will require the student’s speed, strength, courage , agility , Special Skills but also ingenuity.
10. Try NS-64
For 12 people squad- 150pln
Duration- from 1 to 2 hours.
Try NS -64 is an option for those who would like to taste the prose of a soldier’s life. Deployment of military tent requires participants to the organization of teamwork , coordination , creates leaders. The task will be preceded by a short instruction about military techniques spacing tent NS . Then, participants will have the task of bringing the tent into the next camp , site preparation, spacing frame , stretching the sheets , construction of leachate and concealing tent. Everything can be organized in a fun , training or competition between the teams.
11. „Riese„ trail
For 12-36 people squad- 25pln per Person
Duration- about 2-3 hours.
The trail ” RIESE ” is a form of educational excursion , where the landscape of the Owl Mountains you visit the objects of external infrastructure , which, though little shed some useful light momentum of the project . The exact time and route will be agreed individually depending on the capabilities and needs of customers. The route begins at the „Wlodarz„ brief instruction behavior in the area. Participants then move the trail prisoners of building objects . Participants will explore the unknown Riese structures such as trenches , trenches , military facilities , facilities that support the construction of Riese complexes and even object of worship SS. The whole thing can , of course, result in a common fire and exchange insights.
12. Insulation Phase
For 12-36 squad 50pln per Person
Duration- about 12 hours.
The proposal for people with strong nerves who want to check in conditions not achievable in daily life, and which can meet us in the event of extraordinary events. Work or even just being in extreme conditions require specific psychophysical predisposition. The task of the ability to remain in a place isolated, under conditions of darkness, silence, without the time information and external communications. This place is in our tunnel „Wlodarz„. The program is developed as part of the training for professional rescue serve, but you prepared a version of the „soft”. Participants under the supervision of an instructor of disaster rescue enter the tunnel. Group moves and stays inside the tunnel without light and with minimal equipment. Expected residence time is about 12 hours, but we can adapt it to the needs of the participants. In addition, everyone will be able to stop the exercise at any time and leave the tunnel without interrupting other tasks. This may develop into a specific type of rivalry in the group. After leaving the disposal of hot tea, coffee and a meal ordered before starting the exercise.
13. Trapper Camp
For 12 people squad 200pln per person
Duration- about 24 HOURS.
The ability to survive in all conditions may be decisive about the art of life or death. We offer a taste of the adventures in safe and controlled manner , but not without a dose of adrenaline . Instructors familiarize participants with the basic elements of survival , familiar with the subject , they will examine the word survival . Will present the basics of organizing and securing the bivouac . The participants then proceed to the practical learning of the use of everyday objects in the art of survival. They will be familiarized with the techniques of making fire and first aid in the field. They will learn to prepare shelter for min. 24 h , water protection methods and foodstuffs.
At our facilities , we bring you (within 15 km) historic military vehicle ZIL 157. It can also be a form of tours fixed route showing the values ??of the Owl Mountains . ZIL -y were produced in the years 1956 – 1962 and accounted for a standard truck of the Red Army . It was a copy of American cars Studebaker US6 . Our ZIL 157 is a 2.5 -ton multi-purpose Soviet army truck driven 6 × 6 registered to carry max. 30 people. The car support two people : a driver and assistant guarding the safety of passengers on the pace . Drive group such a vehicle is an additional attraction that diversity to every successful trip.